Bookkeeping Service Q&A

Bookkeeping Q&AWhat is the bookkeeping software you used?

We use QuickBooks.

How do you keep my receipts and statement safe and audit proof?

We will make digital copies of all your receipts and statements, while original documents will be returned to you.

What are the setup fees?

We don’t charge setup fees. All your bookkeeping cost is monthly fee.

How do I get the information to you?

During our initial consultation, we will discuss the best process for you. Some of the options are:

  • Email us your digital copies
  • Drop off and pick up monthly

Why do I need bookkeeping service?

The major benefits of a good bookkeeping are

  • Limited the pain of tax audit. If your book is well organized, the process of CRA audit will be easy and fast.
  • Avoid tax penalties. If you can’t provide records which CRA asks for, you will face penalties.
  • Don’t miss any tax deductions.
  • Save your time, so you can focus on your business.
  • Have a clear picture of your business financial health.

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